Everyone’s talking about AI—But what even is it?

I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.

Joanna Maciejewska

I am sorry if you came in with the expectation of directly jumping to AI detection and found a chapter on definition instead xD

That being said, I am also aware that the AI situation has gotten out of hand — one thing leading to another, in the light of recent events, many books have been flagged as AI written after thorough checks. It has upset everyone. So, I am going to take this space and say — if you need me to attest if your work is human written entirely (or AI assisted!) [Assisted and not entirely generated by machine — proving you put some effort into your writing] feel free to tag me! If I haven’t read your work, you’d have to excuse me the slack and allow me to read some of your content [reading takes time, sigh] and then help you out.

We as a community need to stand for each other and there’s no one else who can detect AI better than us humans! Please trust the process 😉

Speaking of the matter at hand, context and groundwork are necessary, both in the world of humans and AI (from where I come from, well not technical— fine, don’t report me as a bot, just yet, I have a lecture to deliver /j)

Let’s begin!

If you search for the definition of AI, you’d be hogged down with a lot of technical jargon but I am also sure most of you have an idea about what exactly AI is about.

Let me brief it for you:

AI or artificial intelligence is a technology that allows you to automate the three types of tasks — Dumb, Draining & Dangerous.

A few months ago I took this course by Pinar Seyhan Demirdag who’s an AI Director at Cuebric, an Artist and Generative AI Expert so this definition is according to her.

Example of a Dumb task: You and I would probably never hear about this job but back in the day, it was a real job! And that is, “Telephone Connection” or something similar. My point is, there was a time, when the telephones were just being invented, that there was a necessity to hire someone whose only job was to connect the calls from Point A to Point B. But after a while, thanks to technology, that job became outdated and there was no requirement for it.

Example of a Draining task: Imagine you were asked to fill an excel sheet that relied on heavy calculations. Sure, you could apply formulas and probably finish the tasks quicker. But, imagine there were several pages of them. What if the data was getting updated in real-time, how would you keep a track of that? You need to be able to automate it, but automation of jobs in itself is a long script-y process (trust me, I have tried). Technology is evolving, we are evolving and maybe one day, we’ll have easier scripts that don’t make you bawl your eyes out every time you look at it.

Example of a Dangerous task: Have you ever heard of Ice-shaping? Or cutting for that matter? It’s where you take huge chunks of ice blocks and divide it into manageable blocks while also making sure that not much of the ice gets melted or loses its form. For a long time, it used to be a manual job. People used to go and get the ice-blocks with all the risks of their life, cold and infections just to get the task done. With technology, we’re able to avoid that risk and the pain is almost minimal. We have the power of doing the same task at a much faster rate.

Imagine if those jobs were still around. We’d have more casualties in the hospitals and the ERs than in people’s homes (although, slipping on the soap while pretending to ice-skate in your bathroom does not count, i am sorry.)

WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS—Similar to other technologies, AI is merely a tool that is there to help us with our life.

You see all those panicking screams about AI taking over your jobs? They’re not true; the people who are screaming about it are not aware of the AI situation. It merely helps to change the course of things in a way that benefits everyone.

Coming to the point, even in the Content Writing market, AI cannot take over our jobs. No one can just come and snatch away our magic of pens and creativity just yet (please continue to write about the birds, the bees, or whatever else suits your tea. No, not the other kind, I meant the general unicorns and fantasy worlds. This isn’t very convincing now, is it? sigh.)

But that’s talking about what AI is and what its forms are.

Stay tuned for the next part—I will share some of the AI tools used for writing and what is usually used by the community.

About the blog

This is going to be the place where I experiment sharing about “A Human’s Guide to Detecting AI-Generated Toasts” and see how things go. If it works out, this will be the perfect archive for anyone who wants to learn about how to detect AI content, that is written by actual humans. I’m not against the use of AI in ethical ways, I’m against it stealing our creativity and jest. Besides, who else could come up with a joke about being a hallway menace except a human who hasn’t had sleep in three days?

Want to contribute?

“A Human’s Guide to Detecting AI-Generated Toasts” is going to be a guidebook and while the notion of a guidebook is that it should be boring and technical, me (and the amazing future authors) who will contribute to this blog are going to make it full of glitter and sass.

This is a guidebook like never before! ✨

All you have to do is read the guidelines here. After you’ve read the guidelines, you could either apply from there, or you can find the link for google form here.


I’m always looking for feedback and requests, so you can always comment or fill out this form anonymously here.
